Monday, January 28, 2008

Superbowl, Big Woof

I was surfing the web today trying to decide what would be the perfect birthday cake for my 2nd birthday. Everyone is talking about Sunday and the Superbowl.

That is all you hear about. I am not happy that I have to share my birthday lime light with some stupid game where humans pile on top of the human with something called the pig skin. Poor pig, I hate to see what became of Porky.

Well I found a couple of possibilities...

This isn't bad but I kept searching.

This is kind of nice, simple but very yummy looking.

Definitely no cats allowed at my birthday.

This is kind of kool, although that grassy mat reminds me of my poop deck for the boat, so maybe not.

Now this is a cake any dog would be proud to have. I just have to get Mom to bake it for me. I will help with the preparation.

At least the Stupidbowl won't interfere with my favorite Animal Planet shows. I forgot Dad will be hogging up the big flat screen for that dumb Stupidbowl.

Till next time...



Dandy Duke said...

We love your choice of cakes! Your mom will have lots of time to bake that while your dad is watching the SuperBowl! Are you having a pawty too?
Happy birthday in advance, Luna!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lenny said...

I hope you get your dream cake, Luna! Happy birthday, in advance!

Your friend, Lenny

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Luna, save a slice for me, pal! J x

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Luna 2nd Barkday!!! How sweet is that...BTW, Scruffy thinks ur awfully cute!

You should think bout joinin'us out in Arizona at Gus's Souperbowl Pawty...lots of ur friends are gonna be there and we'll introduce you if you don't know someone. With ur looks, you'll have all the boy dogs in line to dance with you...yep...there's gonna be a dance, trips to the Grand Canyon...trips to a spa...*that's what I'm signed up for...check out our web site and go to GusDagger's link in our pack list. Then go to Ruby's link..the Boston Terrier. She owns and operates Aire Ruby...her own plane. She'll fly right to ur house to pick u's free. Party starts on the plane...please'll have a fab 2nd barkday...we'll make sure of it.

Lakie licks..


Babystan thinks ur cute too..he's still a pup and can be very annoying!

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh yes,come Luna!! It will be your best birthday ever!!!! Never mind the cake you can have a PAWTINI!!!!!! Love A+A

Lizzy said...

Mmmm, look at all those cakes! You'd better stop showing us pictures, 'cause my humans will be mad to find drool on the keyboard.


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Hey did you watch Puppy Bowl? It was great! And the terriers won!

Bussie Kissies