Here is another one of my summer adventures.
I was soundfully sleeping on our sailboat one day when I was awoken by strange noises under the boat.
I had to go investigate...
There were bubbles all around the boat...
Then it appeared.
What was under our boat?
Was it the Loch Ness Monster?
Our was it the Creature From The Black Lagoon?
There it is again.
What is that?
It's a Sea Monster!
I barked at it to scare it away.
I barked some more but it would not go away! It swam around taunting me.
I decided to jump in and capture the Sea Monster. So I donned my life jacket and in I went.
I just need to get my lead around it and it's mine.
This Sea Monster is a slippery one.
Gottcha you!!!
I pulled him back to the boat and did he put up a good fight.
Well I hauled his soggy butt up onto the dink and to my surprise it was not a Sea Monster... It was my Uncle Ted.
Did I feel silly. Here I had visions of being famous for capturing a real live Sea Monster. I could've been on Animal Planet, Leno, Letterman.
Of course I had to give my Uncle Ted a big smoochie.
I love my Uncle Ted. He calls me "Puppy Power", turns me into a lunatic.
"The End"
Luna Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
Wow! We were really scared for you diving into the water after that unknown creature, Luna! Thank goodness it turned out to be your Uncle Ted! Whew!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Luna...we woulda been TERRIERFIED...that slimy creature swimmin' round in your water??!!! Uncle Ted's lucky you didn't take a nippy outta him in the water!
You have the prettiest fur colors, Luna...your darks are so dark and ur white is blinding!! Scruffy is rather um drab...poor guy..guess he doesn't scrub hard enuff in the tub!
Barkin' at ya girl!
Luna, crickey!!!!! You went in the deep end.!!!! Dog-a-blogging-brave.Looks like you saved Uncle Ted to me, putting him on a lead. You know how they get lost. Good job Luna. Wiry wags, Eric x
You awe a twue hewoine..even if it was youw tewwific unkel Ted..youw bwavewy in jumping in and investigating and then captoowing and pulling him out is nothing showt of mawvelous!
It could vewy well have been a giant sea monstew, and you did it anyway..Ithink allthose TV guys should intewview you(they would be lucky to have you appeawing fow youw booty alone, nevew mind youw adventoowe)
smoochie kisses
Well we were on the edge of our seats....but we were glad that it was Uncle Ted and not the Loch Ness Monster.The best part of the story?? THE END!!! HA HA HA HA H Love and kisses A+A
Wow Luna...
Ya were sure brave ta chase a sea monster inta the SEA fer goodness sake......what a surprise yer Uncle Ted was swimmin' in a wet suit....'n he did look scary....glad ya had a great time....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Wow!! A real sea monster!!! We were on the edge of our seats!
What an adventurous life you lead!!! It's perfect for a mystery series: The Adventures of Luna, the Scruffy Yacht Dog !
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
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