My sister Popsicle had a litter of puppies. Well one of her pups now lives in his new home in Brooklyn, NY. This is my nephew Winslow.
He is very cute if I must say so myself. Hopefully some day I will get to meet him and play some terrier games.
Welcome to New York Winslow.
Luna Licks,
Auntie Luna
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
awwwwwww, Winslow is just adorable! We think your sissy, Popsicle has the best name ever!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
What a cutie! We can see the family resemblence!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Welcome NY Winslow. Great blog. Colorful and skillful. Superior writing style.
Hi from, the social network for dog owners and dog lovers.
We're looking for members with quality dogs and 'tails' to add stuff to our site.
Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Hello Luna, get away, you look far too young to be an Aunty!! Winslow is one cute nephew though, hope you can arrange a play date.
Wags, Eric
Wow Luna...Winslow is a cutie...he sure is...won't it be super if ya get ta play with him? Since yer the Auntie 'n all...ya can boss him around and show 'em all the terrier is he is fer a surprise....
Dewey Dewster here....
Obviously good looks wun in youw family..Winslow is a doll...I hope we can all play togethew someday
smoochie kisses
Ooo, he's rather handsome! J x
Well, we feel pretty silly -- we read all about the Wirestock Walk and saw all the pictures on our list -- but never realized that you were one of the walkers. Silly, silly us. But now we know!!
Your whole family is just adorable. Like a Popsicle, just too delicious.
Thanks for stopping by to wish us a Happy Blogaversary -- and do you know our Mom is named Joan too?
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
I can't believe you look anythink like a chia awe such a gowgeous giwl...good luck at the butch...I mean bawbew..ummmI mean you know
smoochie kisses,
thank dogness you can help...I'm going to have to fly to England cause Jackson got injoowed..can you come thewe pleez to help nuwse him?
smoochie kisses
I'm jumping fow Joy!!!!
no kid should be homeless..I hope you'we having a gweat time on youw boat!
smoochie kisses,
Awe you kidding????of couwse I want to come along..what a silly question..hehehehehe..I've nevew been to the east wivew yet..I live on the othew side...youw Mom should come and see the wooftops in pawson and bwing you along...
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