Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Wishes 2008

Hello All,

I have been pretty busy getting ready for the holidays. I would like to thank all my friends for the beautiful Christmas cards you sent me.

I did not get my December striping so I might be confused for a sheep. Well today I got furminated, brushed, combed, trimmed, furminated, and brushed again to make me look presentable for the holidays. I gave Dad a very hard time and I voiced my terrier displeasure as well.

After I was done getting tortured I got to admire the pretty decorations Mom put on the tree.

As I sit here waiting for Santa and his 8 little reindeer the thermometer is reading 60 degrees and the rain is washing away whats left of the snow we got last week. I can see the grass again.

Is this for me?

I smell dog treats, I know there in here somewhere...

I wonder who these stuffies can be for? I don't know if I can wait till the morning.

Well it's getting late and I can barely keep my eyes open. I left some warm milk for Santa and some treatys for the reindeer.

I want to wish all my friends and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. I hope all my friends get lots of stuffies, treatys, chew bones, and lets not forget back scratchs and belly rubs.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah,



Dandy Duke said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Luna! We hope Santa was good to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Daniella said...

Merry Xmas Luna - you look very ravishing by the tree despite your scruffy appearance. I'm getting scruffy myself...wonder when the parents will drop me off at the Salon de Horreur. LOL

xoxo Axel and Boo says Hi.

Dewey Dewster said...

Merry Christmas Luna...

It looks like ya had a great one!!!! It's goin' ta be close ta 70 degrees here taday and I figure we need ta enjoy it while it lasts cause the Arctic Circle is probably gonna be around fer the rest of the winter.....yep...ya might need that warm coat of yers fer the next few months........non-stop.....

Dewey Dewster here....

the many Bs said...

hi Luna, it's good to sniff you! thank you for your card. we like your kind of doggies. we have a lot of WFT friends. we hope you can be our friend too!

your christmas tree looks lovely and we think all of those pressies are for you!


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Heya Ms Fluff! Hope Sanna brought everything you ever dreamed of.

Bussie Kissies

Asta said...

sounds like youw fiwst gift was not having to be stwipped, awe so bootiful eithew way, I wouldn't wowwy about it.
I hope Santa appweciated youw Milk and tweats fow the weindeew and left you lots of pwezzies..and I hope you got to go out play on the non-snowy lawn.
love and smoochie kisses

Agatha and Archie said...

You due look ravishing! We are glad your holiday was fun and we wish you and your PL's a happy healthy and peacefull new year! Love and kisses A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hope you had a great Kissmas! J x

Eric said...

Hi Luna, was Santa good to you Luna? Lots of stuffies in your stockings..and a turkey leg or two?
You could never look like a sheep Luna, maybe a little cute lamb!!
Happy New year to you and your leggededs!! Look forward to visiting you all next year!
Wiry wags n kisses, Eric xxxx

Life With Dogs said...

We just found your blog and it's great!

Happy New Year!

nn said...

Hi, Luna!

You are a real cutie! Almost as cute as I am. Mom sez nobody, ever ever could be so cute as I am, this is why I wrote "almost". It was the first time I had visited your blog -- but not the last!


from Hungary