Monday, April 7, 2008

NY Mets Home Opener 2008

Tuesday is the NY Mets home opener. I am so excited. Mom and Dad will be at work and I will have the 37" HDTV all to myself. I'm going to have my scruffy butt parked on the sofa rooting for the hometeam. This will be the Mets final home opener at Shea Stadium. Next year they will move into brand new Citi Field.

Lets Go Mets!!!


Dandy Duke said...

Our dad used to be a HUGE Mets fan until he got his Boston heart! Now the Sox are #1 but he still loves his Mets!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Maggie & Mitch,

Dad likes the Red Sox especially when they beat the evil Yankees. Dwight Evans best arm in rightfield ever, but that's just his opinion.

Hope it's an exciting season.

Luna Licks,


Asta said...

Thanks fow the welcome home!!!
I'm sowwy you missed that wild pawty, but it sounds like you had impowtant game watching to do!!!
I suwe hope you had fun!
I did do like the Womans, hehehe
Pictoowes to faollow
smoochie kisses

Romeo said...

Hey Luna,
I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while. We're doing a walk next month against cancer and wanted to invite you to join us. Me Ozzy & Asta will be there walking in honor of my dad. We're calling it wirestock. Let us know.


Agatha and Archie said...

As long as you are not a YANKEESS fan!!!!!!! Love A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Erm, did they win? J x

Eric said...

Oh Luna, um, I hope whatever is was you were watching was interesting?! He, he, some game with a ball isn't it? I prefer stickies myself.

iry wags n licks Eric x

Koobuss said...

I guess we could still be friends even though we here are big Yankees fans and Phillies fans. I'm still friends with Agatha and Archie, and they like the Red Sox. But, neither the Yankees nor the Phillies like the Mets.
Well, we'll just have to let the teams settle it.

Koobuss Kisses,

Koobuss said...

Oh, by the way, I think the Phillies won that game--the final home opener in Shea Stadium.


Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


Of course we can be friends. Terriers are always friends. Baseball is just entertainment, well sometimes it's not entertaining.

Looney Licks,


Life with Ozzy said...

They are both size large.
Romeo and I are both a little on the chunky size and they fit snug. Hope this helps.


Dewey Dewster said...

Luna my love.....Sounds like the Phillies won the last home opener game at Shea...sorry..they should have played the Pirates....they would've won for sure!! Why, you look absolutely dashing, scrumptious and delicious in that hat...I think I am smitten for sure....Can ya get out for a walkie?

Dewey Dewster here.....waitin'

Fenway said...

Hey Luna--

We like the Mets, too. It's all about Pedro Martinez, our all-time favorite baseball player. We were sad to see him leave the Red Sox. He was the heart & soul of the team. But we're glad he got that BIG salary and is on the Mets.

I came from Long Island (Lindenhurst), so we've got a lot in common. My Ms. Alpha came from Babylon and she goes back a lot. I haven't visited since I was brought home to MD, but I'm looking forward to it.

I hope you enjoyed your nice bone. I ate mine last week and am hoping for another. They make my teeth sparkle!

Asta said...

Hi Luna
Whewe awe you ??? I miss you

Can you come on the cancew walk that we'we going on wif Ozzy and Romeo??
The info is on theiw site..we have a TEAM!!! It's on the fouwf of May...I don't have youw pee mail, othewise I would have sent you the info
smoochie kisses

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Well the Pirates lose all the time so we enjoy all the teams of our friends!!!!

Ya look great in that hat, Luna!!!

Admirin' Barks,