Sunday, December 23, 2007

Getting Ready For Christmas

Hello All,

I am a little behind these days with all the shopping and snooping through all the packages. The other day Dad was moving the furniture in the living room and bringing down boxes from a hole in the ceiling. He was taking tree branch's out of the box.

What in the world is going on here? The whole living room was turned upside down.

Mom and I decided to pitch in and take stuff out of the boxes.

Mom look what I found! This would look beautiful on the tree.

After a couple of hours of decorating the house, Mom decided it was time for a snack break. Mom put out some delicious snack foods and I was not allowed to have any. Mom has put me on a diet because she thinks I'm a boom-ba-la-dee (aka fatty). No human food for me until I regain my girlish figure.

I just finished composing my e-mail to Santa Paws...

Dear Santa Paws,

This Christmas I have a couple of requests.

  1. Please find nice homes for all the rescued wires out there that are up for adoption.
  2. Good health and good fortune for my Mom & Dad and to my family and all my new blog friends.
  3. A destination for my sister Melissa and Chris's destination wedding (even though I'm not invited).
  4. My Mom & Dad spoil me plenty, so give plenty of extra treats, Bully Sticks, & toys to less fortunate wirey doggies.
  5. An end to the diet Mom has put me on. I am not fat, I'm pleasently scruffy.
  6. A fuel tank installed in my sailboat by spring time.
  7. Our troops to come home to their families.
  8. Continued good search rankings for my blog on Google.
  9. My own computer so I can keep in touch with my blog friends.
  10. And last but not least a White Christmas.

I want to wish all of my bloggy friends a very Merry Christmas. Hope Santa Paws leaves you lots of goodies!



Dandy Duke said...

What an awesome Christmas photo! We LOVE your holly collar, Luna!
We hope Santa is good to you! Merry Christmas!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Merry Merry Christmas Luna! Love A+A

Lizzy said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, Luna, and your family! I hope you have a great one!


Koobuss said...


Merry Christmas to you and to your family!

What you said about taking branches out of a box and putting them on a tree was truly amazing!! ! never heard of such a thing. I wish I were there to help with the branches. I love tree branches!!

Koobuss Kisses,